Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 68 - Insomnia Part II

Second night of insomnia on the project, the first was about a month-month and a half ago. I'm still laying in bed, motivating myself. I'll go workout shortly, but I'm starving and my joints still feel like absolute crap.

So.... I can't wait! 22 more days! When this is over, I think I will join in the Kung Fu Body. I can't stop. I'm addicted.

Update: So glad I picked up my workout. About to start on the abs. I know, I know. I shouldn't be on the MacBook between exercises, and I rarely do this, but I was about to pass out from the curls and needed to rest. On a side note, not only did I complete everything but the pushups fully-through, but I also switched from the 5lb band to the 15lb band on the Standing Ovations. Turns out the 5lb is too weak now, and results in me stretching it to the other side of the room. So on quite possibly the weakest morning I've had since starting, I've not only made progress, but "doubled my efforts" as Todd put it. That said, I had to miss work to get enough rest to get this far.

Update #2: 120 Leg-ups!? 4 90-second planks!? Man. I was leaking sweat all over. At the end of the planks as I started to sag, I had to keep shouting to myself in my head "you're stronger than this!" to keep it up.


Not irrelevantly, people always ask what I'm doing or why, and many of them ask "P90X?". So frustrating. I see this ad all the time too on anything fitness related, and in my PCP gmail, and I laugh every time:


  1. Ah yes, I ran across a P90Xer this weekend. He's lookin' good, but not sticking to any diet and complained about the intenseness of it.

    I've had a couple nights of insomnia, too. Not usual for me....I don't like it.

  2. I don't know how much of my blog you've read, but I've had sleep issues off and on throughout the program. I'm beginning to suspect that my body wants more food when it wakes, the original suspicion was dehydration. I've begun supplementing fruit during the rougher times. Things have been better recently though, with the AMAYW veggies.

  3. I am also having a weird sleep issue! Since starting PCP i wake up every day at 5:30am or 6:30am, despite my alarm being set for 7am, and regardless of what time i go to sleep. So weird!

  4. When you get into a natural eating rhythm your body will also start expressing it's other natural preferences, which might be seen in sleep patterns. Some people find they need LESS sleep once they've got their diet and exercise right.

  5. Yup, less sleep here. Weekdays I'm still getting between 7-8 hours (in bed between 10-11, up at 6), but on the weekends no matter what time I got to bed, I'm up between 7-8 (in the old days I could sleep until noon whether I went to bed at 10pm or 4am). Probably partially PCP and partially getting oooooold...Also ran into a P90Xer last weekend, looks/feels good, liked the program, said there is a diet but he didn't really follow it...

  6. I saw an ad for P90X recently and was totally turned off by the... macho-ness of it. I guess it's being marketed to a different crowd. Would be interesting to know more about what they're selling.

    And I've found myself popping awake at 7am on the dot. I haven't set an alarm clock in nearly two years (for the most part) because my daughter usually wakes us up. This morning she slept till 8, but there I was -- bing, eyes open at 7!
