Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 66 - Part 2

So during the graduation, we were stuck on metal bleachers. These things were terrible. Since my ass is so flat now, there was no cushion to relax on. My back was slouching, I was a mess. I then remembered! 'Hey, I skipped planks today. Why don't I focus my ab muscles on keeping my upper body inline during this and keep my posture correct?' So that's what I did, it worked out well. My butt still hurt.

During idle times, I put effort into focusing on different muscle groups, trying to feel them, and trying to flex them and distinguish them from every other group. It's a very fun exercise, and with my abs and back in particular, I think it's helped me isolate them better.

A couple things I wanted to share:

First, I stumbled on this fitness blog of this cross-trainer who does long-distance running (aka 100 miles). Impressed, I continued reading. It was only after reading quite a few blog entries that I realized she's in her mid-40's!

I've also been reading Bruce Lee & John Little's (really, it's written by John Little, it was made after Bruce died) "The Art Of Expressing The Human Body". I think it's a fantastic book on Bruce's training regiment, and so far some of it is becoming integrated into my plans for once the PCP is finished. Particularly Bruce's "Sequence Training Routine (For Total Fitness)".

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