Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 41

8 Minute Abs...

I honestly feel like this is too easy. I don't feel like it gives me much of a burn, even striving for the correct muscle groups. I've started doing them after my standard ab workouts now though, and will continue to do it. I'm sure it will get tougher as my normal exercises do.

My body also is starting to feel like I'm eating too much as this week ends, or not working out enough. I don't know what to do about this.

I had a long conversation with a coworker Sunday night. I think too many friends and family see the first two weeks of suffering (eating half, then eating quadruple) and they think that's all this program is about. Everyone looks at me like I'm starving myself, and it takes two hours of conversation to convince them otherwise. I'd say it's the only aggravating part of this project.


  1. 8 min abs is very tough if you have good form. Check that you're not compromising anything as you do it.

  2. My version of 8MA: don't let your feet touch the ground the whole time.
    Crunches: keep your legs up (like in Toe Touches)
    Sides with Leg Extensions: keep one leg up, extend/retract the other leg but don't let it touch the ground
    Toe Touches: as is
    Reverse Crunches: as is
    Side Crunches: balance on the side of your butt, keep the bottom hand on your top side and your top side arm bent, hand behind head, retract and extend BOTH legs whilst crunching up and down, and don't let your feet touch
    Push Throughs: like Toe Touches only widen the knees a bit
    Leg Ups: as is
    Left-Right Alternating: this becomes like a bicycle; alternate extending the legs, keep the upper body crunched and alternate bringing the elbow to the other knee -- burns like hell by now!
    Final Crunch: try balancing like you are in the middle of a V-sit; don't let the burn up AT ALL the whole time.

    Do it like this and you WILL feel it!
