Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 22!

I didn't get a lot of sleep these last couple days. The insomnia started with the stupid street cleaners towing everyone who was dumb enough to leave their cars on the street. Street cleaning at midnight should be banned.

So I've completed 3 weeks. It hasn't felt like very long at all. Just about all aspects of the PCP I'm finding enjoyable. I get a great kick out of saying "I can't have that" when offered food, or when it's even suggested. I'm also paying a lot of attention to what other people eat, and scolding them in the manner you'd scold a smoker.

All my chicken has been baked in a ceramic roasting pan. It's delicious with chili powder and cinnamon.

I'm still doing incline pull-ups, as I've yet to find a good pull-up bar. Our doorways are too narrow. I might put it in the hallway... if I can find a proper stud.

So the PCP has also really increased my mindfulness as a whole. I'm getting much better as remembering daily/weekly tasks at home and work and getting them done. I think it's from the responsibility of doing the exercises and food prep daily. I think it's also really improved my posture. I asked my roommate about it and he said he actually noticed it. I stand up and I walk straighter.

I'm on a pretty busy street, and when I jump rope in the morning, a lot of people stare at me while driving by. I like this. I'm thinking of actually jumping rope all the way downtown and back some morning, when I'm really feeling energetic.

Speaking of energy, I have a lot of it these days. I feel it really improving.

I'll leave you with a before and now shot...

And a glamor shot:


  1. It's very hard to put tables into these blogs and get the formatting right...

  2. Wow, well done dude, can totally see a big difference already....

  3. Nice work man. The posture boost is 100% related to all those incline pull ups. Strong back = good posture.

  4. Excellent progress, congrats! Now imagine two more months!
    Do the jumps up and down the street, 100 per sidewalk square or something -- let them stare as they drive by, Krispy Kreme breakfast in hand, SuperSize Diet Coke in the drink holder, wearing Crocs because their feet as so swollen and bloated from a high-salt diet and inactive lifestyle that they cannot wear any other shoes whilst sitting down...let them stare and wonder "What's wrong with THAT guy?!" Ah, the irony...

  5. Awesome, man! You may need the new wardrobe before I do.
