Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 38

One more week! That'll be an awesome benchmark! Halfway! To what, though? Will this continue? Perhaps my peak condition will continue until the day I die. Maybe I'll enjoy unfortunate culinary creations for a week, then do another 90? Who knows. I know for a fact that I have no idea what it will feel like when day 90 rolls along. Days don't roll though.

Something of note: Since this project started, like clockwork, I wake around 2-4 AM every day. I don't have much trouble passing out again, but I usually have an incredible urge to urinate, and then feel very thirsty. Thoughts? Maybe I'm not drinking enough water, but I already drink 3 times the average person's daily water. Sorry, average american.

So, that is all. I'm very tired now, and had dinner late. Should I skip my evening snack? That looks like a lot of protein to miss. Should I take a nap now, then eat in an hour and a half? I think that's my gameplan. Peace.


  1. You are getting LOTS of water from vegetables and fruit -- that's why you have to pee so much and don't need to DRINK so much water.

  2. Yeah, I don't get why you're so thirsty all the time. It's weird.

  3. Thanks Ren, that's what I figured. Not sure why I feel so dehydrated at night then.
