Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 27 - Indulgence

I just took my first sip of this coffee flavored milkshake. It tastes super-sweet, like ice cream tends to. These are some of the best shakes I've ever had. After I ordered, I looked at the menu and it all seemed so foreign to me, ordering food instead of cooking it. I'm definitely already well-in-tune with the PCP, as I had hardly the urge to order anything.

After a couple sips of this, I already feel like my stomach's not going to be very happy with me. Ah well, we'll see how it goes.

Also- the double katanas were incredibly hard. I almost couldn't finish.

STATUS UPDATE: 20 minutes in, my stomach isn't happy. I shouldn't have finished it, but i made myself because I wanted to remind myself why a whole (american) serving of most foods isn't healthy. I'd say it was a good flavor, but not too exciting. I chose a milkshake because there's not as much terrible in it than some other foods I could have had.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Weird indulgence, but sounds like you got the point. The first two to three bites or sips will light up all your pleasure centers. The other 95% of the thing is just an assault on your system. Good stuff man.

    Double katanas are just little meditations on pain. Enjoy!
