Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 3

I've been writing these pre-dinner, but my dinner has been very basic half sandwiches with a few veggies.

The hunger is definitely starting to get to me. It's not unmanageable though, and I'll get through it fine. The biggest thing I noticed was that unlike yesterday, today's lunch didn't satisfy in the same manner, despite being near identical in size.

This morning I started doing something Seabass had described, which was using a life counter die from Magic: The Gathering to count my jump rope sets, rather than keeping track of the sets in my head like I usually do. It definitely helped add a sense of precision to my workout.

Now I shall retreat to a video game for a bit, and have dinner.


  1. Oooo that is such a good idea for counting sets. I'm definitely stealing that idea and adapting it to the dice I've got lying around here. Doesn't help me keep track of the numbers within the set (I seem to like skipping the 4's--4, 14, 24, etc.) but it's one less thing to think about for sure.

  2. The return of the die counter! Hope you have a 20 sided! (j/k) an 8 sided will get you through the whole project!

  3. Kickass! I've started a trend! And for those who need a visual, here's the original post:

  4. Oh wow, Seabass's group really was geeky. I just went and read all the comments to that post. Fantastic. I don't suppose anyone else in our group is that geeky? I definitely am and would welcome the company.
