Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 13

So I woke up this morning.... at 6. I went to bed at 10. Doing well there. Fell back asleep. Alarm went off at 6:20AM. Got up, saw it was slightly wet out, and jumped rope before it rained. Came back in, finished other workouts. Showered. Cooked breakfast. Looked out the window.... to find it's snowing. Sigh. Anyhow, I got up before it snowed at least.

I can't believe I managed to save myself enough time this morning to sit at the computer! It's sort of a trap though, the more I use it the more time I waste.

I'm finding some muscle groups are keeping up just fine, others are struggling to. The shoulders in particular, which haven't done much more than support me on my bike and let my arms hang from them at the computer, are really feeling it with the davinci and the forward shoulder raise. I can barely finish all the reps, and sometimes need to rest a couple seconds between reps. Otherwise, I've been finishing all the reps, and sometimes doing extra.


  1. Way to anticipate Mother Nature! I'm going to be envying your weather in about 2 more months.

    I hear you on the shoulders--definitely one of my weak points. At the same time, I think its easier to reach and sustain a burn with these, which is what we're going for!

  2. Everyone's shoulders burn like crazy. They're thin, white muscle that fails faster than most other parts.
