Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 89


Finished my Day 88 workout at 7PM last night. Finished my day 89 workout at 7:30AM this morning. Definitely suffered a bit of stamina loss from the gap between, but it was worth it. The lack of stamina killed my ab exercises, but I still managed to tuck 8-minute abs into the workout. (I didn't have enough time later today to complete the workout in the afternoon)

It's been a long time since I had this "last day of school" feeling, and I'm basking in it. It's sad, in a way, to leave something you've become so thoroughly attached to, yet at the same time it's an incredible relief to have a break/move on.

This afternoon I have my introduction to Kung Fu at the studio in the New North End, then I'm going to see Predators with Seabass and another friend. Must avoid movie theatre food for one more day! ARgghhhh. That said, I really wouldn't eat it anyway...


  1. Nice work man! That's a lot of muscle tearage in a short time, sleep a ton tonight.

  2. Ooooh, dude, it would be too easy to just say SCREW IT and get that LARGE bucket of buttered popcorn, just because its there.....DON'T DO IT, BE STRONG!
