Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 80! Wow.

I can't believe it's day 80. It'll be almost sad to see it end. It wasn't that long ago I was telling myself "just three more weeks!".

It's really enjoyable seeing Will start the project just as I'm ending it. Mostly because it's pretty much a guarantee that I'll stick with the same habits, although I have the drive to do that anyway. Last night I spent a while reading through the old workouts and realized how far we've come. There's still quite a push to be made in these last 10 days, but man, have we progressed in terms of what we can handle! (Don't worry, I didn't give Will any spoilers!)

I'm planning a celebration expedition at the end of the project... I haven't quite decided, but I think I'm going to go camp out on the summit of Camel's Hump (for you non-Vermonters, it's the mountain on the state quarter) for the night. My current plans are biking there, it's about 19 miles if I'm not mistaken. Not too terrible, but I'm not sure how my knees will feel on day two. It's about a 1.5 hour hike up, but will probably be 2 hours given I just biked there. I'm honestly more worried about my bike feeling up to it.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be surprised by how easy hiking is when you're bodymass is in the ratios you have now.
