Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 86

Those supersets were daunting... until I did them. They really were quite fun.

Aside from rowing, I haven't used the 15lb'r until today. I started doing curls and realized that I was moving right along, and swapped the 10lb out for the 15. Boy did that make it harder! I was growling my way through it. I feel like I probably could have gotten more out of this if I had switched to heavier bands sooner. Some food for thought for those of you still early on in it. I know I'm skinny, I'll never be able to lift as much as someone of Will's size could at full potential, but I'm intent on getting as strong as possible, no matter how long it takes. I definitely agree with Brett though, the 5lb is too much for the Davinci's for me.

I've been feeling really full lately, not full. Fat. I've been feeling fat lately. Not sure what it is. Going to lay off the super carb-o-matic bowl of whole oats in the morning and switch to bread for a while. On the note of diet... days which I eat the before workout meal, I completely fail at v-sits. My body just hates ab workouts with any food in it. I feel ready to throw up after them almost every day. Find something lighter or wait a while before the workout perhaps?

I've been thieving Sebastian's fan for my room during workouts. It's still hot here. Luckily we're down to 79ยบ now. Getting better. Baking chicken doesn't help much though.


  1. The nice thing about the bands is that you can banish number oriented goal setting and focus on the burn. Just do whichever one gives you the correct balance of proper form and deep burn.

  2. Dude, you are sooooooo, faaaaat, like, OMIGOD!

    If your body can handle working out on an empty stomach, always better to workout before eating, better for fat burning and muscle building...I think...

  3. Re: full of carbs feeling
    It's probably the heat getting to you. I always feel kind of sluggish when it's 90 degrees out. Just workout in the morning... and then move verrrrry slowly until the hot goes away.

  4. Also more water-based fruits and veggies help a lot. Dinner of peaches and roasted chicken? Delicious for hot days.

  5. Mint tea is great in the heat, man; it's weird, but it actually seems to cool you off. And fresh mint tastes awesome.

    I may have to special order the lightest band--I checked City Sports, and they don't even carry it! Like Patrick says, it's all about the burn, not looking like a weight-lifter while working out.
