Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 88 - The Soda Bottle

Today I want to explain a manner in which I avoid cravings, which Seabass also did during his PCP. When he was at a Magic: The Gathering tournament, they were giving away these bottles of Jones Soda. If you're unfamiliar with the brand, it's quite possibly the best bulk-made soda available. I was drinking it when they were a much smaller company, based solely out of Canada.

His explanation of this thought process when he was given it was "It's a special event, it's one bottle, it'll be okay." After having recognized the conscious choice about it, he decided to save it. It's stayed on his shelf ever since as a reminder that every food he eats is a conscious choice.

After my interaction with delicious Skittles candy, I was reading the label and commented it was about the same as a bottle of soda.

A couple days later I needed bus fare, and went to buy something at a Mobil station to break a $20. I took a glance at the Skittles, and was very tempted. I then decided, "this will be my Jones Soda". I bought it, feeling stupid-guilty, like a minor buying alcohol with a fake I.D. I put it in the inner pocket of my laptop bag, right next to my spork that I use daily for lunch/snack. Every day I dig past this bag of Skittles for my eating utensil, and the physical contact with it triggers my impulse to eat it, then I'm reminded I have delicious lunch ahead of me with my trusty spork. This is to remind me that this is a conscious choice every time.

It's alright to eat whatever we want, as long as we're aware of the choice we're making. The decision is ours, but whether or not it's a healthy one, we should be conscious of the choice.


  1. Very well said, all of it. I like the idea of having a visual, tactile reminder of what we're NOT choosing to eat right now. I wonder what mine will be? I'm sure it will reveal itself over time...

  2. You couldn't have said it any better. You are Will's room mate, right? He's told me of PCP. I'm considering going for it. Looks like you have done amazingly!

  3. I am indeed Will's roommate. The PCP is probably the most life changing experience you'll ever have, and it's only 90 days long! You can do it, anyone can!

  4. Mind over Skittles, nice. Your tiger-style is strong...
